5 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress




I think we’re all a little stressed out right now with social distancing and getting used to our new normal. Having a stress relief habit that works can make a big difference in how you cope and feel. Of course, there’s no one size fits all stress reliever, but here are 5 easy ways to reduce stress to try to face whatever comes your way effectively.



Begin your day with meditation. Before you get bombarded with emails, social media, and tasks you have to do, take a few minutes to meditate first thing in the morning. It starts your day off on the right foot, helps you think positively, and gives you a boost of energy. 




Exercise produces endorphins, and endorphins improve your mood. Just getting outside in the fresh air and sunshine for a brisk walk will help reduce anxiety. And, since we’re not able to hit the gym, try this At Home Full Body Workout.




Music is known to relax our minds and body, and hearing your favorite song can have an instant calming effect. Don’t feel like you have to listen to classical music to relax. Make a feel-good playlist so you can chill out to whatever calms you.




Technology is an integral part of our lives, and we rely on it to entertain us, connect with people, and have information at our fingertips. Information overload can be stressful. Take a technology break and pamper yourself with some self-care.



Keep a Gratitude Journal

Journaling helps reduce stress but finding and focusing on the positive things in your life helps you gain a new perspective on what’s important to you so you can appreciate the little things. I like this journal where you write three things you are thankful for each day, and this one with prompts for kids!



Relaxing upmarket aromatics and artisanal extractions are also an option at Finest Labs. Federally compliant, they focus on organic farming and third-party testing to give you ethical products.


I hope these tips on 5 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress were helpful. What do you do to help reduce stress? Let me know in the comments!



As always, thank you for reading! Stay healthy and well!


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25 responses

  1. Living on Cloud Nine

    All things that help me for sure. I feel like I should’ve been keeping a gratitude journal during all of this.

  2. These are all great tips! Reading, doing yoga, and listening to podcasts all help me reduce stress, as well as taking walks outside whenever I can!

  3. These are all great tips! I am doing at home workouts and listening to music at the same time! I also practice gratitude but just in my head! I think journalling would be a great idea!
    Julia x

  4. totally agree with you! i have been unplugging from social media for a few days and it feels wonderful


    style frontier

  5. Jelena Dimić

    Gratitude, music and disconnecting from social media every once in a while really help me, these are some great tips in general! 😀


  6. I love all of these ways to de-stress. Mediation and exercise are big ones for me.


  7. I love these ideas- and this reminds me I need to some cardio this afternoon! 🙂

    Le Stylo Rouge

  8. Great tips!

    Lee | LegalLee Blonde </a

  9. Kellyann

    I wish I could quiet my mind and slow my body enough to practice meditation. The funny thing is that way back in the day I was certified in guided imagery, relaxation, and meditation – it helped my patients when I worked in oncology but I have a hard time participating myself! Super tips, Jill!

  10. I relax a lot by reading, thrillers! Lol. In the garden, in the sun, of that is so unstressing!

  11. Exercise helps me a lot and getting up early and having a little quiet time to myself before my entire family is up. I have never tried meditating or a gratitude journal, but heard they’re great!


  12. I love this! I have definitely been feeling stressed during this time, and can’t wait to try some of these!
    Tay | Today With Tayla

  13. I have definitely been doing more unplugging and reading to help. These are crazy times!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  14. Listening to music always helps me too! And making sure I am still fitting in my workouts. I think I’d go crazy without them!

  15. Thanks for sharing this =)
    – Cielo
    Mermaid in Heels

  16. All of these are fantastic ways to reduce stress. I’ve been feeling it lately. It’s just such a weird time, being stuck inside for the most part. I have been trying to stay positive and keep up with exercise. I think unplugging is so helpful, and I need to work on meditation in the mornings.

    Make Life Marvelous

  17. Gosh, these are so good Jill. I need to unplug more…I just get so addicted.

  18. Lovely Amusan

    These are all wonderful tips, I like to paint, listen to music and exercise which helps.


  19. Great tips Jill. I like a walk in the outdoors – also comes under exercise category! And a self-pampering session with a face mask and pedicure. Thanks for sharing at #WowOnWednesday.

  20. Nina

    Great tips dear!! Thanks for sharing with us!
    Have a lovely day! xx

    La ilusión de Nina – http://lailusiondenina.blogspot.com/

  21. Great tips 🙂 I just like to relax and read kinda helps with the stress

  22. These are all really great tips! I love to all of these when I’m stressed and it helps me so much. Thanks for sharing your advice! I hope you’re doing well! 🙂


  23. Thanks for sharing! Good ideas. I’ve been enjoying baking and cooking for my family, spending outdoor time with my puppy, and gardening. Hope you are doing well! 💕

  24. Mireille

    My favorite ways to destress is to take a little time for myself or go outdoors.

  25. Great tips, Jill! I have been starting my days with yoga which is so great for centering myself for the day. I really need to add some more physical exercise in though…like a walk or something. And Native American flute music and Spanish guitar music have been my go-tos for relaxation. Thanks for sharing and linking up.
