Simply Earth Essential Oils Box {Sept ’19}

Simply Earth September 2019 Essential Oils Recipe Box

I’m back again this month partnering with Simply Earth to share their September Essential Oils Recipe Box! If you’re not familiar, Simply Earth essential oils are globally sourced and tested for 100% purity. Plants are grown throughout the best regions where they will thrive. After they are harvested, they collect the natural essential oils through cold-pressing or steam distillation. Simply Earth’s mission is to make your home natural at an affordable price.

They also give back by helping people whose beauty has been abused. 13% of their profits go to help fight human trafficking. Each month they highlight one organization so you can learn more and get involved. There are 40+ million people estimated to be trapped in prostitution and 98% are women and girls. This month they are partnering with and giving 13% to Exodus Cry to change these statistics.

The Simply Earth Essential Oils Recipe Box is a monthly subscription box that comes with all of the ingredients, containers, and extras you need to make six natural essential oil recipes. This is great if you love natural DIY products but don’t have time to gather all of the ingredients! But, you don’t need a subscription to purchase from Simply Earth. They sell their oils individually as well!

Do you want to get your own Simply Earth Essential Oils Recipe Box? Use my referral link and codeDOUSEDINPINKFREE to receive a $40 gift card with your first recipe box that you can use on a future purchase or next box! You also get a bonus box when you subscribe.


What’s In the September Recipe Box

The September recipe box gives you everything you need to make three fun and easy soaps and includes:

Cajeput Oil relieves congestion, minor pain, inflammation, and muscle spasms and has a fresh, fruity and herbaceous aroma. Note that this oil should not be used with young children.

Lemongrass Oil can be used on acne and oily skin, as a digestive aid, to reduce fevers, to remove airborne odors, and to relieve anxiety.

Bay Oil can be used for gas relief, pain relief decongesting, easing muscle spasms, and reducing fever. Note that this oil should not be used with young children.

Happy Joy Oil Blend is made up of Geranium, Sweet Orange, Grapefruit, and Ylang Ylang essential oils. It helps relieve stress and anxiety and promotes feelings of joy and happiness.

Simply Earth September 2019 Recipe Box

The recipes for September are:

1. Lemongrass, Cajeput, and Bay Compress

2. Happy Joy Roll-On

3. Sugar Scrub Soap Bar

4. Happy Joy Facial Soap

5. Flowers, Spice and Something Nice Soap

6. Lemongrass, Cajeput, and Bay Compress

The diffuser recipe this month is Flowers and Spice Diffuser Blend giving your room a spicey and floral aroma.

Simply Earth Essential Oils

Flowers, Spice and Something Nice Soap

Simply Earth Soap DIY

One of my old neighbors years ago made her own soap but I was always leary about joining her for a soap DIY because of the lye. So, I was pretty excited when I saw that the soap base was glycerine and already made for you! All three of these soaps were simple to make and took less than 5 minutes! They would make a great hostess gift or teacher gift for back to school too!

Simply Earth Handmade Soap DIY

Measure out the soap base and melt in a double boiler.

Simply Earth September Box

Once the soap is melted, remove from heat and stir in the essential oils.

Simply Earth Essential Oils Recipe Box

Fill the mold with soap base and add the dried flowers.

Flower and spice soap

Soap will cool in about 15 minutes. Take out of the mold and it’s ready to be used!

Simply Earth Essential Oils Recipe Box

Simply Earth Essential Oils Recipe Box is such a great DIY solution if you are interested in getting started with essential oils or growing your current collection. It’s so nice to receive the box in the mail with everything you need for these fun and easy DIY projects!

Do you want to get your own Simply Earth Essential Oils Recipe Box? Use my referral link and code DOUSEDINPINKFREE to receive a $40 gift card with your first recipe box that you can use on a future purchase or next box! You also get a bonus box when you subscribe.

As always, thank you for reading!

Linking up here.



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