
The best part about blogging is connecting with other bloggers and discovering new blogs. These are the weekly fashion and lifestyle linkups I join.  Check them out, and I hope you will find some you love, too! Please let me know if you have a linkup and want me to add it to this list!



Between Naps on the Porch | Hello Monday

1st Monday of the Month: Amazon Prime Purchases Linkup Doused in Pink & Living on Cloud Nine



I do de Claire | {Walking in Memphis in High Heels & The Fashion Canvas} | My Slices of Life

2nd Tuesday of the Month: Mix and Match Mama & A Little Bit of Everything



Curated by Jennifer | The Style Splash

Last Wednesday of the Month:  Mix and Match MamaSheaffer Told Me To



{This Blonde’s Shopping Bag & Doused in Pink} | Mummabstylish

3rd Thursday of the Month: Ageless Style



Shelbee On the Edge | Nancy’s Fashion Style | Momfessionals  | Traffic Jam Weekend