Friday Favorites – October 2014

Happy Friday Everyone! Today I’m sharing some of my favorite things from the past week!

Every year our daughter participates in a mile run to support a local organization that provides to families in need to cover the costs of sports and community activities for their kids. Despite the winter like weather, she ran it in 6:26 and came in second for girls!

I just finished reading The Perfume Collector and absolutely loved this book! It takes you back in time, set after WWII, and is about two women whose lives are intertwined. One’s journey to make amends with her past and the other’s journey to discover her future. I’ll be posting my review on Goodreads later this month.

I’ve always been a fan of chai tea but just discovered Tazo’s Chi vanilla caramel tea. It’s delicious and I can’t get enough of it!

I’m a football fan by default but my favorite sport to watch is actually hockey. The Blackhawks season opener was last night. I think my cousin’s family loves the Blackhawks even more because they have the cutest fan ever!

One of my favorite things about our street (besides our wonderful neighbors) are the tree’s, especially in the fall. I’m a little sad – all of these trees will be removed this month because they are infected with the emerald ash borer (a green beetle that destroys the tree) and are dying. I hope they will be replaced with something just as colorful!

I was so excited to hear that I was selected by Crystal and Lindsay as a featured blogger for their Style Confessions Linkup this week! Be sure to check out both of their fabulous blogs for some style inspiration and to link up with them!

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Linking up with these fabulous bloggers here 

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