Beauty Tips to Get You Ready for Winter

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One of the things I love about the Midwest is the changing seasons. With the way time has been flying by, I know I’ll blink, and winter will be right around the corner. While winter may be a time of fun and festivities, it can also take its toll on your skin and hair. The cold and bracing winds can leave your skin and hair looking dull and flat. Extreme temperature changes from being outside in the cold to indoors can also take a toll on your skin. Adding some extra care to your hair and skincare routines will help you look and feel great throughout the season.


Take Care of Your Hair


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The cold air and lack of moisture can leave hair brittle and frizzy, so it is essential to show your hair some extra care and attention in the winter months. Choose moisturizing shampoos and conditioners to keep it healthy and shiny. If you find that your hair is feeling extra dry, try towash it lessoften than usual. This will help to prevent it from drying out even further.


Treat your hair to a rich hair mask to provide an intense conditioning treatment. There are plenty of organic hair care masks available to buy, but for an extra fresh alternative, try a homemade hair mask recipe and create one yourself.


Body hair also needs to be treated in the winter, and waxing is a great way to achieve long-lasting hair removal results. You can skip the salon and wax from the comfort of your own home, with a home waxing kit to get your skin smooth and hair-free.

Skincare SOS

Winter is a tough time for your skin, and to keep it healthy, it’s a good idea to change up yourskincare routine. Keeping your skin hydrated and well-moisturized is critical in harsh weather, and the moisturizer you used in the summer months may not deliver the same results.

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The cold weather can also cause chapped lips. Find a good lip balm to keep them hydrated. Finally, don’t forget about your hands. Try to wear gloves whenever you go outside, even if it is a short walk, to protect your hands and make sure that you moisturize them several times a day.


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