DIY Fabric Bulletin Board

I’ve been wanting to make a bulletin board for my daughter’s room and since I had the whole house to myself one night earlier this week, it was the perfect time to have fun with some DIY.  At first, I was planning on using an old picture frame, some fabric and cardboard.  Then I remembered we had an plain bulletin board somewhere in the basement that I could update instead.

The only supplies I needed were are an old bulletin board (this one is 3 feet wide by 2 feet), enough fabric to cover the board and wrap around the back, basic silver thumbtacks and a stapler.  For this size board, I used about 250 tacks.  The total cost for supplies was less than $10.

The first thing I did after laying the fabric over the board was iron it so there were no creases or wrinkles.  When you have the fabric in place, stretch it and put a thumbtack in each corner to hold in place.

Continue adding thumbtacks around the board pulling the fabric tight as you go.  This was a tedious process and my thumb began to hurt after the first package of tacks.  Of course, when I was almost finished my husband asked me why I was not using a tack hammer.  I highly recommend it because the edge of my thumb still hurt the next day!

When all of your tacks have been added turn the board over and stretch the fabric in the back and staple down.  I used lots of staples to make sure it does not come loose.


Add picture wire for hanging.


Voila, the finished product – a cute, updated bulletin board!

Linking up with Creative Mondays //Funday Monday

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