Excelling as an Adult Student

When we think of individuals in higher education, we tend to automatically think of eighteen to twenty-one-year-olds, who have walked straight from their high school education into the next stage of their educational journey. This makes sense. After all, the vast majority of students do fall into this demographic. But student bodies are becoming increasingly diverse, and now mature students make up a much larger percentage than they may have in the past. An adult student is essentially anyone aged over twenty-one when they begin their studies in college. Now, everyone’s experiences as a student are bound to vary. But is there anything that mature students can do to ensure that their time within higher education is as productive and positive as possible? Let’s run through a few simple steps that can help you to truly excel as an adult student!

Determining Whether Study is Right for You

First things first, consider whether studying is right for you. Why are you considering heading back to education? Some common (and good) reasons include:

  • A Change in Career – if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing for work and want your life to head in a different direction, you might consider a new career path. Sometimes, you will find that the positions you are interested in require specific qualifications. For example, if you’re passionate about helping people, entering the medical field allows you to make a profound impact on people’s lives, offering care, comfort, and healing. There is a wide variety of medical careers. Still, the happiest medical specialties offer manageable workloads, focus on long-term patient relationships, and opportunities for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • Career Progression – perhaps you want to stay in a similar role to your current role but want to progress up the ladder into a promoted position. A degree in the right subject could help you get promoted.
  • Passion – if you are deeply invested in a topic or field of academia and you have the free time and money to invest into pursuing education for its own sake, you could flourish by enrolling in a course.

If you are simply heading back to college because you don’t know what you want in life and are trying to find purpose and direction, you might want to really think about where you want to go before signing up for a course. You don’t want to sign up for anything just for the sake of it. 

Taking online public speaking courses can be highly beneficial for adult students and can be a valuable investment in their personal and professional development. These courses teach you how to communicate your ideas effectively, which is valuable in both professional and personal settings. provide a safe space to practice and receive constructive feedback, helping you become more self-assured in various situations. In addition, many online courses offer interactive elements like discussion forums or group projects, which can help you connect with other students and professionals, expanding your network.

Choosing the Right Course

If you do decide to head to higher education, you need to make sure that you choose the right course to suit your needs. Don’t just sign up to the first thing you see. Consider your wants and needs. What are you planning on doing with your life and which course will guide you in the right direction? Which course ticks all of the boxes of the job you are trying to achieve or the subject you are trying to master? Remember that courses going by the same name don’t necessarily endow you with the same knowledge or skills. A course at one college could vary drastically from a course of the same name at a different college. So, whether you opt for online training in lean manufacturing or a degree in fine arts, you’re going to have to commit time to ensure you make the right choice.



Choosing Your Mode of Study

Nowadays, there are more modes of study than ever. So, don’t assume that you’re going to have to sign up to a full-time course and spend all of your time studying on campus. While this is an option and should be embraced by anyone who wants to study in this way, the majority of institutions have alternative options that could help a course to better fit into your lifestyle. Studying abroad can be one of the most beneficial experiences of a lifetime. Studying in a country different to your own, such as Portugal and immersing yourself in their vibrant culture can open your mind and teach you just as much as a university course might! You’ll of course want to find rooms in lisbon portugal to rent (or those elsewhere more applicable for your studies) so that you can take full advantage of the opportunity to study abroad. Once you’ve done this though, you’re in for the study year of a lifetime.



Engaging in the Student Community

It is essential that you don’t feel excluded when you begin studies as an adult student. Being an active part of the student community can be a significant part of anyone’s educational experience. Adult students can form a significant part of this community, and your participation is just as important as anybody else’s. Take a look at the different societies that you can sign up to. Many colleges have a mature students’ organization where you can get to know other people who are in a similar situation to yourself. Attend student events that interest you. Be a part of the grander scheme of things!

Create a Schedule

Scheduling is vital for any student. But it can prove even more essential for adult students who may have more responsibilities outside of studies than other students. If you have kids, a job, or other commitments, you’re really going to have to take prioritizing your time a priority. It can be so easy to fall behind on your studies and difficult to catch back up. So, it’s best to stay on track from the outset!

Reaching Out to Academic Staff and Services

Remember that academic staff and services are there for your benefit. It is their role to help you with your studies and your journey. So, don’t feel afraid to make use of them! Reach out to them if you are struggling or experiencing any difficulties at any point. They should be able to guide you in the right direction and alleviate any worries.

Heading to college as an adult student can be a relatively daunting experience. But remember that the student experience can be daunting for everybody involved. Higher education is a tough and testing time, but do your best to make the most of it and gain absolutely everything that you can from your time spent studying! Hopefully, these tips will help you to achieve this!


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