I’m linking up with The Blended Blog today for Health Tips Monday. I wish I could say that my life is completely stress-free, but it’s not, and a little stress from time to time is expected. Whether it’s a significant life event or a build-up of little things over time, when the pressure is on, it’s vital to deal with it in a healthy way. Having a stress relief habit that works can make a big difference in how you cope and feel. Of course, there’s no one-size-fits-all stress reliever, but here are five stress reducers to try to help you effectively face whatever comes your way.
Begin your day with meditation. Before you get bombarded with emails, social media, and traffic, take a few minutes to meditate first thing in the morning. It starts your day off on the right foot, helps you think positively, and gives you a boost of energy.

Exercise produces endorphins, and endorphins improve your mood. Hitting the gym for a strength training workout or cardio class can help reduce anxiety. No time to hit the gym? Try the 7-minute workout. Scheduling exercise on your calendar as an appointment with yourself will help you make it happen.

Music is known to relax our minds and bodies, and hearing your favorite song can have an instant calming effect. Don’t feel like you have to listen to classical music to relax. Make a feel-good playlist so you can chill out to whatever calms you.

Unplug. Technology is an integral part of our lives, and we rely on it to entertain us, connect with people, and have information at our fingertips. Information overload can be stressful. Take a technology break and unplug for a few hours, pick up the phone, and arrange a time to catch up with friends.

Journaling. Writing down and organizing your thoughts will help give meaning to your emotions and put things in perspective. Keeping a stress diary gets those anxious thoughts on paper, which can help alleviate uneasy feelings.

What do you do to help reduce stress? Let me know in the comments!
Also see: How to Create a Spa Day at Home and Start Your Morning Off Right

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