January Recap and Favorites

For as much as January dragged on, this last week seemed to sneak up pretty fast! I usually join Shay and Sheaffer for the month-end What’s Up Wednesday, but it completely escaped me. So instead, today, I’m using some of the prompts to round up my January recap and favorites!


What I’m Reminiscing About

January is a big birthday month for my family, and we celebrated our daughter’s 19th right before she headed back to college! We are so proud of her and can’t wait to see where her life journey takes her!


Products I’ve Tried

I recently tried Tula’s Beauty Sleep Overnight Repair Treatment and I’m hooked! Made with probiotics + superfoods, it works it’s magic overnight with clean, powerhouse ingredients that smooth the appearance of wrinkles and improve your skin tone and texture while your sleep!


Tula Beauty Sleep Overnight Repair Treatment


Alterna Haircare sent me their collection of hero products from their Caviar Anti-Aging line, and I’m obsessed with all of them! Each product contains potent botanical ingredients, including their Age Control Complex with black sturgeon caviar extract and is free of parable a, SLS, and synthetic color. Plus, they all provide thermal protection, restore moisture, elasticity, and shine. They have really made a difference in my dry winter hair!

Alterna Caviar Hair Products


I also recently tried  Papa Steves No Junk Raw Protein Bars, and these are going to be a staple in my pantry going forward. Instead of being mass-manufactured, they’re made fresh weekly in Southern CA. And, every bar is non-GMO, gluten-free, and soy-free. You can find them at Whole Foods!


Papa Steves Protein Bars


What I’ve Been Reading

Where The Crawdads Sing had been on my library list for ages, and it is probably one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. If you’re not familiar with the story, it’s about a murder in a small town on North Carolina’s coast and the suspect who has grown up in the marsh.

Girls Like Us is a page-turner, and I read it in one sitting. It’s a thriller about an FBI agent who leaves her small town after high school and never looks back. She returns after her father’s death and finds herself drawn into some unanswered questions from her past.

What I’ve Been Listening To

I love listening to podcasts when I’m working out, and I just discovered Court Junkie through this post on Once a Foodie. The episodes cover trials of suspects and across the United States. The very first episode was a case that happened a few miles from where I live, so that had me immediately hooked!

What Else is New

Even though I rely on my phone to see the time, watches are a timeless accessory, and I still love to wear them! How pretty is the watch face on my Starkling watch! Their watches are not only beautiful, but they are also affordable! And, keep on reading because a few of my blogging friends and I have a fun giveaway for you!


Dark Floral Sweater


I can’t end my January recap and favorites without mentioning this awesome giveaway!  Today I am teaming up with 4 other beautiful bloggers to host a Valentine’s Day giveaway! There will be 1 Grand Prize winner with a box full of goodies for yourself and the special guy in your life including 3 Starking Watches, 2 face masks, foot masks, an eye mask for sleeping, earrings, scrunchies, Season 8 of GOT on DVD, and the contents of 2 Gentlemen’s boxes! There will also be six second-place winners that receive a Starking Watch! With so many prizes you have a great chance to win! Good luck!

I do deClaire | Curly Crafty Mom | Kathrine Eldridge | This Blonde’s Shopping Bag | Doused in Pink

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you for reading my January Recap and Favorites!


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