My Favorite Things About Fall

Happy Friday Everyone! I’m joining the Lifestyle Sistas today to share my favorite things about fall. Besides everything pumpkin…lattes, candles and bread…these are the top five things that I look forward to.


Fall TV!


We never watch TV live and record almost everything on the DVR. There is nothing better than lounging on a Saturday morning with a cup of tea and catching up on shows.

Swim Meets!


I love college football and hockey but one of my favorite things is watching our daughter swim! From September through February, there are typically three meets a month. It’s always a long weekend but I really enjoy seeing her do what she loves!

for Halloween!


Halloween has always been my favorite holiday! We try add something new to make our yard scarier every year.  Most of the kids in the hood love coming to our house but sometimes, we have to meet the little ones on the sidewalk to give them their candy.



While I like to dabble in cooking once in awhile, I mostly like to make appetizers and deserts. My husband is the Chef in this house and will make huge pots of soup on the weekends. Corn Chowder, Butternut Squash, Roasted Potato& Poblano are some of my favorites.



Its a seasonal wine made by a local winery. Its a mixture of red wine and port blended with spices. Heat it up and it’s the perfect drink to sip to keep the chill off you!

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